Good Morning from Belize! Today was day
4 at Stella Maris. I am extremely sad to say that we only have ONE more day
left here in Belize {tropical paradise}. I started off my morning with some
cereal and I was ready for an awesome day. SGC loaded up the bus and I loved
reading the back of our mint green shirts saying "Making a difference
around the world, one word at a time" with Speech Therapy at the top. Such
an awesome quote to read before we started our day at Stella Maris. Arriving,
we all know that it’s time for work. My partner and I made our way once again
to the "lower autism" classroom. The tables are turned in a manner that
the kids can't run around and do their own thing; it was set up that everyone
is kept "inside." The class was doing a sing-a-long for religious
education. It was great to walk in to that and seeing the children involved.
After that was over, the teacher had all the children get up from their seats
and gather around the front area to do the day of the week, month, date, and
year. She would pick out one of the children to place the words on the
"mystery machine" {Scooby-doo}. The teacher also asked how the
weather was outside and would give the children different options such as: is
it raining outside or if there are clouds out. I really liked how the students
were attentive and were listening to the teacher. This week has been pretty
chaotic with the students not having structure. However, as the days go by,
there is more structure. These students are unique individuals and all have
different strengths and weaknesses. We have talked to the teacher numerous of
times and she explains that they are “out of control” because of the helpers
coming in. These types of distractions mess up their routine and the students
tend to put on their own show. When the teacher told the students to go back to
their seats they all did so. At times the teacher wanted us to do work
one-on-one with a student and she would tell us what to work on. I had a
student who was working on counting 1-20. He knows 1-10 very well but when it
went beyond that, it was difficult and he would mix up some of the numbers. I
had a file folder that consisted of pipe cleaners making up numbers 1-20 and
used a popsicle puzzle that had 1-10 but made them into 11-20. My student
really enjoys the sensory jars so I used this as a reinforcer. I would do 1-10
{strength} and then give him one minute with the sensory jar. He would give it
back and only get it back once he counted 11-20. He did so and would get the
sensory jar. This worked great! I had my student count 1-20! I stressed the
numbers in the teens and he caught on the pattern. After a while he lost his
I worked with another student who
seemed “nonverbal” but I was interacting with him and he was imitating
everything I said! I have continued to be surprised by what the students are
able to do when they are worked with one on one. The teacher has a big load on
her hands and the levels of knowledge are a big range. I really like how the
teacher works to their strengths. She told each helper what each student was
working with.. It was snack time for the students and structure was established
once again by having the students get their snacks only when called by the
teacher and by sitting down. When snack time was over, we broke up into groups
to do months of the year, days of the week, and the abc’s. I had two little
boys in my abc’s group and learned that one could do his whole alphabet all by
himself!! Today was the first time he was in class this week and it was great
to see his abilities. After group work, I used one of our activities my partner
made last night. It consisted of colored construction paper and matching
colored clothes pins. I had three students use this activity and all three knew
their colors! This was a great success. It was time for lunch and the students
always wash their hands before. I noticed with one nonverbal student looking
himself in the mirror and getting excited. I got behind him and started to wave
and say “hi.” He would get super excited so this would be a great way to get
some production out of him.
Lunch was great once again! We had
chicken and a type of cold pasta with a salad. It was super delicious. Once
again, I wanted to finish fast to go play outside with all the students. I love
this time of the day because the students just want to have fun and take a
break from learning. With all the {fun} we bring, the students just love us!
Plenty of hugs, new friends, and lots of bubbles. The children love the bubbles
and of course getting what they want we always tell them to show/tell us what
they want: more bubbles in sign or verbally. I would start a train with the
students and everyone would tag along. It was a beautiful sight to see with the
smiles of the children’s faces!!! After lunch is over, we lined up our students
from our class outside before they entered the room {more structure that is
being observed}. The teacher put on the TV and played the DVDs of singing and
Leap Frog {ABC song}. During this time, the students (except one), were asked
to take off their shirts for P.E. time. We went outside and did some stretches
and played with the soccer ball. In the beginning, it was pretty rough and some
of the students were wondering off but knowing that they were just testing us we
wouldn’t chase after them. I would elicit language by turn-taking. I played
with one student that really doesn’t do much in class and got him to say “my
turn!!” He is the type of student that is very active and seems to love hands
on activities. The students did well with the other teachers by lining up and
kicking the ball when it was their turn. Going back inside to the classroom,
once again, water was given out to the students who were quietly sitting. By
this time, it was close to us leaving so my partner and I talked to the teacher
for tomorrow’s plan and maybe an arts and crafts activity in the morning. Being
here at Stella Maris has opened my heart even more than before. The children
here are great but it’s just sad because they don’t get the services they need.
I know for a fact if they get more one on one time with a Speech Pathologist,
they can excel more. I was absolutely exhausted after today. I now know about
the one thing SLPs need to have…STAMINA!!! Getting back to our hotel, I went
straight to my room and knocked out (shoes on and everything). I woke up to get
ready for dinner at Bird’s Isle. We had a great dinner with some great karaoke.
Overall a wonderful, yet exhausting
day. I’m EXTREMELY sad that we will be saying our “good-bye’s” tomorrow and
that I’m definitely going to hold back the tears. It has been a wonderful time
working with the students and I cherish each one of them. I’m hoping to end our
week/study abroad program with a marked footprint. The teacher has been great
and kind to us and even though she gets frustrated with the chaos, she does a
wonderful job handling it.
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